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Caption Competition

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23 Nov 2008

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Name Caption
The Geek Instructor: "...and would you guys split up? You look like a Cadet Rev... oh yeah."

Special Mention

Name Caption
Blaston Phools Cinematography by Quentin Tarentinossss....Cat
BC1 McCoy: I'm a Doctor, not an Apple Store worker!!
Blaston Phools Kirk: Huhu hu hu.. My daddy let me take out the Enterprise for the weekend you guys!
McFortner McCoy: So by attacking one ship the Romulans changed history? What next, Spock? Are you gonna tell us in YOUR timeline Sulu is really gay?
Sondak "Actually, no. We're Obama volunteers."
David Salberg Dude, where's my Starship?
Tsukiyumi "What do you mean we're already cancelled!?"
BC1 Uhura: Klingons off the starboard bow sir!
Kirk: Tell them we come in peace...then shoot to kill...
XZB The new Star Trek cast watches the herd of rebelling, screaming, pitch fork toating Trekkies cross the studio parking lot. One will be sacrificed. Im guess our boy on the left there.
BC1 Bones "Its only a reboot"
Everyone else "ssssshhhhhhh"
Mr. President "Canon to the right of them, Canon to the left of them, Canon in front of them volleyed and thundered."
"Enough with the talk about canon. It's a reboot. Live with it."
MetalHead The crew looked on in unbelieveable suspense as they waited to see who would be fastest around the Top Gear track.
Mr. President "Quiet, they're about to show our new trailer!"
Schizo-Hal Scotty: You can't even tell when they go to warp.
McCoy: You can practically see the zipper in that costume!
Chekov: C'mon, these were great effects for their time!
Frankie Chestnuts Kirk to self:
"I could kick his ass.
I could kick his ass.
I could kick his ass.
I could definitely kick his ass.
Well hell-O there..."
Mr. President Star Trek: The YouTube Generation.
Mr. President "To boldly go where no one has gone before ... again."
Mr. President Even officers in Starfleet were drawn to queue in the Apple store to the buy the new iPhone.
DBB Kirk: Nero is destroying our fleet. To get the ship to him or to safety, we have to go through swarms of enemy ships. Suggestions?
Scott: We could go to the pub. Wait the whole thing out.
Captain 8472 The sudden arrival of DeForest Kelly confused the cast. Who is the real 'McCoy'?
Blaston Phools Dr. McCoy.. or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Relaunch!
epclarkson Cloning gone horribly, horribly wrong.
Skipbear My god! It's full of stars!
DBB That calls for a Wilhelm scream.

Entries : 457People : 113

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 14,854 Last updated : 23 Nov 2008