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Caption Competition

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5 Oct 2008

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Name Caption
Mr. President "Integral to the character, my ass."

Special Mention

Name Caption
McFortner Seven: Excuse me, have any of you seen my dignity recently?
Jonesy RealDoll keeps turning out better products all the time.
Skifreak Seven: "Doctor, I fail to see why I can't simply wear the same clothing as the rest of the crew."
Doctor: "Uh, well, there are very good medical reasons. You see, that lycra forms a tight, tight seal against your smooth, silky soft skin, which will help keep those massive...Borg implants from bursting out again...uh, and, um..."
Janeway: "He just likes staring at your chest."
Seven: "I see."
Security guy (mumbling): "It looks like a dead heat in a zepellin race."
Bodhi In the back of her mind Janeway couldn't help but wonder why they went to the trouble of installing green lighting.
Frankie Chestnuts Security Dude (to self): If she's only a Seven of Nine, we need to find number Nine!!
Ozymandias "Doctor, I wanted you to *remove* her implants!"
MetalHead Doctor: Seven, whats wrong, why won't you turn around!?
Seven: I am...cold.
Mr. President JERI RYAN: "I didn't see Jennfier Lien wearing anything like this when she played Kes."
ROBERT PICARDO: "Do you see Jennifer playing Kes anywhere right now?"
JERI RYAN: "Point taken."
BC1 Borg meets Fanfiction for the first time
drow "Bow-chika-bow-chika-bow-bow"
Janeway: "You can stop that now, doctor."
bigjezza Does this outfit make my tempoal node look big
Blaston Phools Madame Tussauds' new Star Trek exibition was a great success! I strongly suggest you go and visit the attraction before Paramount shuts it down.
Lazar There once was a Borg drone named Seven,
Whose implants soon started to leaven.
A catsuit she donned
By contractual bond,
Propelling them to ratings heaven.
jg Jeri Ryan (thinking to herself): God, I really hate sweeps week.
DBB Seven: Doctor, I fail to see how I have been "designed to serve as a floatation device." I-...oh.
Giles Yes thats right, from this moment on Janeway would always be a background character compared to Seven.
Lazar At long last, the Voyager crew discover the perfect candidate for Vice President of the Federation.
Mr.President JANEWAY: "Computer, activate EMH program."
DOCTOR: "Please state the nature of the -- SHAWINNGG!!"
Dennie Hebels Star Trek: The Spandex Generation
Dennie Hebels Doctor: If you gain any weight, it is very important to inform me at once. Anymore strain on this suit and we're looking at a class IV subspace explosion.
mwhittington Seven: Well, doctor, I see you've upgraded my defenses with a pair of "photon torpedoes".
McFortner Seven: I could put somebody's eyes out with these....
suxxxxxx Janeway:What are you doing?
Seven:Downloading the latest borg patches. Five minutes remaining.
Von Kos Janeway: "Of all the things to look at right now, why is the back of her head so interesting."

Entries : 287People : 96

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 15,279 Last updated : 5 Oct 2008