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Caption Competition

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3 Aug 2008

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Name Caption
ThomasJBryant Takei's explosive flatulence really blew the extras away.

Special Mention

Name Caption
Demotox Sooomeone's not a happy camper!
Demotox Crewmen: All your blanket are belong to us!
Sulu: NOOOO!!!
Horta not Vorta What in the world is that in the background?
A Savage Curtain?
McFortner Voice over communicator: We're sorry, we are unable to complete your call as dialed. Please hang up and try your call again....
Jesse Sulu crouches, unaware as the fearful tent monster consumes his redshirt companions.
ThomasJBryant Behind every successful Starfleet officer is... well, at least two unsuccessful extras.
jg It was at this moment that Sulu wished Starfleet had real niforms instead of the flimsy pajama type uniform he was wearing.
Xela There's no place like home, there's no place like home...
AdmiralED Help!!!!! These guys are mormons!!!!
Bill L. C-C-Captain! *sniffle* Th-the other guys're bein' all mean an', an' they won't lemme play in their tent an' stuff!
AJ Well, George Takei IS emoting, but for the life of me, I cann't figure out what emotion it's supposed to be and to be honest, I am not sure I want to know.
Lazar Sulu: But sir, why don't you send down a shuttle?
Kirk: I'm sorry, Sulu, but remember that time I went on sick leave and Captain Janeway guest-commanded the Enterprise?
Sulu: Don't tell me...
Kirk: Every single one. In a week.
UnknownCaptioneer Emote, George! Emote!
jg Guy on right: This the last time I use Priceline to book my vacation.
Frankie Chestnuts What do you mean "What shuttles"? The SHUTTLE CRAFTS!! You know, the shuttles. Send one down!
DJ Ensign: "...erm.....who's hand is that on my ass?"
AdmiralED Help!!!! We're being eaten by the Blanquetmonster!!!
Mr P Just as Sulu was about to talk, he let one go.
Silent Bob Sulu to bridge: "I imagined that Brokeback Mountain was more than a few feet high!"

Entries : 236People : 81

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 14,999 Last updated : 3 Aug 2008