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Caption Competition

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27 Jul 2008

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McFortner Phlox: So tell me Trip, do you like gladiator movies?

Special Mention

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Warhammer see that guy, Jack......he dies after the ship sinks!
DBB Tucker: Mind sharin' your popcorn?
Phlox: This isn't popcorn. It's shedded dermal matter from my pyrethian bat. But you're welcome to it.
Tucker: *just stares*
Bodhi Phlox: "What do they call this genre again Mr. Tucker?"
Trip: "I believe they call them "chick-flicks" Doctor."
jg Star Trek XI: The Stepford Crew
Pinky & the Brain Well I prefered Jack Nicholson as the Joker in Batman.
Heath Ledger is only getting these reviews because he is dead.
Xela Phlox: Now the shark not only looks fake it's completely inaccurate.
Trip: That's because we're watching Free Willy, not Jaws
Bryan Moore "And this is the part where you die. Except we don't see you die. We just hear about it, much later on. Oh, and then they sort of forget you, because some chubby guy named 'Riker' and dry woman named 'Troi' have to have boring conversation every five minutes of screen time. Oh, and wait until you don't see the formation of the Federation!"
drow Worst. Holodeck. EVER.
Captain Redbeard You know, I think the paint on that side of the wall is drying faster.
UnknownCaptioneer "I have already figured out the ending..."
"Doc, please..."
"But it is obvious that this 'Planet of the Apes' is in fact Earth..."
UnknownCaptioneer And that is how I would have cured this "Andromeda Strain"....
UnknownCaptioneer "This movie is full of Madness!"
"That's because IT. IS. SPARTA!"
DBB Tucker: So the guy we've been followin' the whole movie is really dead?
Phlox: Absolutely. This Bruce Willis character most likely died of his inuries at the scene in the beginning.
tlbs101 Trip: C'mon doc... why didn't you bring enough to share with everyone?!?
Rylan Sato Phlox: What was the name of this hilarious movie again?
Trip: Schindler's List
ExAstris The crew had trouble deciding whether Galaxy Quest was a philosophical expose of their existence, or a biting satire.
Mr. President PHLOX: "No, I do like the bit when Spock dies, it's just my favorite bit is when Kirk goes, 'KHAAAANNNN!'"
TUCKER: "Yeah, that is pretty cool. Shame the movies got so much worse after that."
PHLOX: "Six was good."
TUCKER: "Six was good, yeah, but after that..."
GMFQ Why, in 2151, are they watching 200 year old movies? Haven't they made any new movies since First Contact?
ThomasJBryant Phlox, his banter unwelcomed.
Niall Johnson Trip: "Is it me or does the the guy on Quantum Leap look kinda like the Cap'n?"
RedDwarfian Phlox: Is this the one where it ends up being made of people?
Everyone: SHHHHH!!

Entries : 23People : 20

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 15,254 Last updated : 27 Jul 2008