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Caption Competition

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9 Jan 2005

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Name Caption
TimB If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire the Away-Team.

Special Mention

Name Caption
Tommo In the future 'car sharing' was just getting a little silly
DBB "What is 'exact change'?"
Q Janeway: Everybody out and push
Lord David Crewman: "Are you sure that starship is to scale? I'm checking the DITL size charts and it seems bigger than usual"
scaddude Federation public transportation is such a hassle!
Child of Wonder Much to their dismay, the tired, thirsty crew arrived at the ship only to discover it was, indeed, a mirage.
Wodball What happens to Star Trek writers when they mention the Beta Quadrant
Tiberius Janeway: "Yes, I've got a lock on them, but at this range, a photon torpedo detonation will cripple the ship!"
Lobster Due to a malfunction in the ventilation system, the smell of leola root stew has spread through the whole ship...
Kenny Janeway: "Chakotay, oraganize damage control teams. B'Elanna start repair work on the nacelles. Harry, clean the bugs off of the deflector"
Basosz Janeway: "OK Guys... we got the tall ship... where are the stars to steer her by?"
Shelton There was a time when such wild beasts roamed these plains freely
Micuu ...And since the mid 23rd Century, "Safety in Numbers" has been the motto of any Starfleet personnel wearing red shirts on alien planets...
Ruz When told that Voyager would be at the next Star Trek convention, no one thought they meant it literally.
Merlin Beep! Beep! Attention! This starship is reversing!
CVN-65 Once again, V'Ger decides to deal with the carbon units infestation.
EMH mark10 All right what can we do while the ship takes its MOT test.
Silent Bob Janeway: "Mr Tuvok, when I said 'find a nice place for a picnic', I didn't mean find somewhere that reminded *YOU* of home"
Mikey "I told you to try to go before we left Talax, but noooo...."
The Pfeiff Ironically, there are still Star Trek conventions in 2371. Not surprisingly, they're a little more extravagant.
chaoscid Roswell residents remark " Doesn't look like a weather Balloon to me".
Kweeg Everyone rember where we parked
James Hey guys, do you know what happened the last time someone tried to copy Starfleet officers? -cough- Riker and Pulaski -cough-
Azuma Janeway: Okay, who pulled the fire alarm?!
DanielB "Dude, where's my ship?"

Entries : 234People : 740

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 16,523 Last updated : 9 Jan 2005