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Caption Competition

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29 Jun 2008

Caption comp image


Name Caption
Tiberius Three little goats on a lonely hill top! lady odel lady odel ay-DE-OH!

Special Mention

Name Caption
Bodhi The gay-beam claims another victim.
AJ As part of Hollywood's anti-smoking campaign, the cigar was removed from this image.
Tyrridon When the director told Shatner to "hold that thought" in mid-sentence, he didn't mean it quite so literally...
Tyrridon "If you put your ear up to his can hear the ocean..."
Frankie Chestnuts Captain Kirk discovers Records Officer Benjamin Finney in the most unlikely place.
Enzo Aquarius Kirk: McCoy, Ex-Lax, Now.
nerd86 Kirk: WHOOO?! WHO!?! WHO LET THE DOGS OUT!?!
UnknownCaptioneer Kiss me you fool!
David Salberg Please insert quarter to continue acting.
MetalHead Its true what they say, no man, even the legendary James Kirk, can look cool when climaxing.
Mr. President "Who let the dogs out? Who? Who? Who? Who?"
AJ "And still, this show was better than Enterprise."
Pinky & the Brain New from Ronco!
The William Shatner blow up doll. Only the $14.99 with post & packaging
Niall Johnson "I wanna be like.
Common People.
I wanna do what.
Common people do."
Schizo-Hal Bones: Jim, I'm afraid you're balding.
McFortner This is how all of Sulu's dreams start....
Mr P Kirk: Buuurrrp! Excuse me!
Dennie Hebels The Enterprise's secret weapon was captain Kirk's singing voice, capable of destroying everything in a 5 lightyear radius...
Dennie Hebels "Let me in, Let me in, little pig or I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house in!"
jg Sulu's blow up doll even had the rip off the shirt option.
stitch626 One of the drawbacks to DVDs, they sometimes get stuck, and always at the worst times.

Entries : 237People : 90

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 15,048 Last updated : 29 Jun 2008