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Caption Competition

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1 Jun 2008

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Name Caption
The Geek Offscreen? A Catholic priest.

Special Mention

Name Caption
anonymous 24th century darwin awards: #674393 Using a Vulcan Nerve Pinch on yourself.
Sir Joseph Bazooka A look of terror spread across His face as he realized that His Bris was not going to be performed By Dr Beverly Crusher, as She wasn't Jewish, but by ........Dr. John Zoidberg.
AJ "From the look in his eyes he must be watching something incredibly boring."
"Yes, it is a 21 century movie called 'Sex and the City'."
The Geek Borg nanoprobes were a little larger in the beginning than they are now.
jg Crusher: You're in luck. We just upgraded all medical computers with the newest version of Windows.
Alien: OH CRAP!
Cailus When Will Wheaton read his script to Patrick Stewart, the results were...unexpected.
greger If a alien screams in a caption competition, does it make a sound?
Skifreak "I AM pushing! Now give me an epidural you bastards!"
epclarkson Doctor: No, no, NO! I said take off the patient's specticals...SPECTICALS!
Tyrridon Dr. Crusher's new Orgasmic Cranial Nerve Inductors seemed to work impressively well. Tissue?
Andrew W That Alien movie was right, I can't hear him screaming.
BigMac1212 Not everybody keep their genitalia in the same place...
Niall Johnson As a last resort, Dr. Crusher resorted to an Anal probe to diagnose the patient.
DanielB Crusher: "You look uncomfortable - can't sleep?"
Patient: "I should say not, what's this great glittering lump of metal you gave me for a pillow??"
Spock305 Doctor.. That is NOT where my prostate is...
Sir Joseph Bazooka Dr. Crusher to Picard: " Apparently He Saw an un-shielded copy of These are the voyages, and He's been catatonic ever since, I can't wake Him".
Granitehewer Even voyager had an Oval Office.........
UnknownCaptioneer Standard reaction upon seeing the price of gas these days.
Lazar Agh - I just had a nightmare involving warp 10 salamanders! Thank God it was only a dream.
Frankie Chestnuts Scaramouche, scaramouche will you do the fandango-
Thunderbolt and lightning, very very frightening me-
GALILEO, Galileo
GALILEO, Galileo
Captain 8472 "The stone is passing! THE STONE IS PASSING!!"

Entries : 24People : 21

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 15,042 Last updated : 1 Jun 2008