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Caption Competition

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18 May 2008

Caption comp image


Name Caption
AJ An NRA spokesman demonstrates his right to bare arms.

Special Mention

Name Caption
Ty. G Spaceballs: All hail President Scruub
Xela I'm a little teapot short and stout, here is my handle here is my spout...
Foxbat "Hi, my name is Ronnie (Hi Ronnie...) and I'm a Star Trek addict..."
Lancel Side effects may include nausea, vomiting, feelings of euphoria, and exploding.
DieWesleyDie TOS had Space Hippies. It was only a matter of time before we got Space Junkies
Skifreak "D'Jamat said this was an hallucinogenic drug that would make me feel groovy. He didn't mention anything about a burning sensation ... BOOM!"
ThomasJBryant DITL -- now in HypoSpray! For that quick fix on the go!
ThomasJBryant Keep it clean? How can I keep it clean when my arm was THIS FAR in...
Lostfactor Triannon religious fanatics are bad enough, but the proselytizers are the worst.
jg Please sir, may I have some more.
DBB "No, don't close the door, please. I just want to talk to you about Joseph Smith."
Foxbat "Foxbat won last week? That's it, I'm committing suicide!" BOOM!!!
David Salberg "You can have another season after you grab the gnat from my hand, young grasshopper."
stitch626 And this, class, is an example of how not to do the Macarena.
bdt Hi, I'm an allegory for a crazy religious-nut type terrorist that likes to blow up myself and others--you know the ones I mean.
epclarkson A call to arms? Here, take this one.
epclarkson I'd give my left arm to win a caption competition!
Greger Rejected Species names:
Space Balls Funadmentalistians
The Booms
and of course, Space Mormons
Adam "Man, this stuff is the bomb!"

Entries : 251People : 93

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 14,363 Last updated : 18 May 2008