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Caption Competition

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4 May 2008

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Name Caption
jg Kor: Something tells me that we will never get this by airport security.

Special Mention

Name Caption
Sovereign Where's my sword, dude?
Dude, where's your sword?
Oh, there it is!
UnknownCaptioneer "Good Idea, writing our lines on the back of this thing."
UnknownCaptioneer "Wonder what it will get on Ebay?"
Will Deker Worf: What material is it made of?
Kor: Woodanium

Hisrak Kahless must have been seriously compensating for something.
MetalHead Worf, your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to murder a man from an alternate universe named "Scott Bakula" it will prevent certian...atrocities from occuring. Here, take this insane bat'leth.
Niall Johnson I can't believe you eviscerated the Lady of the Lake when she asked for it back.
Merlin Sign: Welcome to the Enterprise. Check your weapons.
Kahless: Yup - still got mine!
Captain Redbeard Behold, Worf!: The lost lawnmower of Kayless!
Graeme A Carter We used this in glorious battle against the Swiss was a close run thing.
epclarkson Worf and Kor at the Antiques Road Show, live from Q'onos
Hisrak The earliest known example of a Klingon see-saw.
ZebulaNebula That's one helluva big boomerang!
Steamrunner92 Kor: "THERE ARE FOUR BLADES!!!"
Worf: "What about that point on top?"
Kor: "DAMMIT!"
ThomasJBryant Klingons could never turn down a staring contest... even with inanimate objects.
UnknownCaptioneer Don't remove it from it's pedestal. A giant boulder will come rolling towards you.
exodore Worf: Does it slice tomatoes?
Seller: Yes... Of course! You can also decapitate your ennemies with it but... It's essentialy a kitchen knife.
Worf: I'll take it!
MetalHead Kor:...and I found it on something called "Ebay"
Worf: Why does this marking say "made in China"
Kor: Perhaps we should speak to Quark.
Wacky "Mate... THIS is a Knife."
Magnus Yes, I know it's totally impractical as a weapon, but look how shiny it is
Prohpet Yes, I *do* have a large one. Jadzia likes it very much.
nerd86 Kor: *sigh* The irony of it.
Worf: What, a Klingon in a Starfleet uniform?
Kor: No. The fact that the fan made replicas of this piece of styrofoam are actually made of tempered steel.
Xela One sword to rule them all

Entries : 315People : 109

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 16,413 Last updated : 4 May 2008