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Caption Competition

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23 Mar 2008

Caption comp image


Name Caption
pravda The goose wasn't the only one who could lay golden eggs.

Special Mention

Name Caption
Drags How do you like my balls?
Captain 8472 "I am not going to wear the tribbles."
The Geek The lesser- revered "Orb of Hideous Clothing" claims another victim.
jg Kira: Come here Odo. Take me to bed or lose me forever.
Odo: Goodbye
ExAstris You want me to do WHAT in this scene? Oh come on, our ratings aren't that bad. It's not like this is Enterprise!
The Geek No matter how seductive Kira tries to act, she will never overcome the fact that she has no cleavage.
MetalHead During peacetime Major Kira becomes Massage Therapist Kira.
Chromedome Candygram for Mongo! Candygram for Mongo!
Cailus After 7 years serving aboard Deep Space Nine, Colonel Kira was only mildly amused when she realised that Doctor Bashir had made the sarcastic look permamant.
Captain 8472 "What do you mean 'Prostitute Look'?"
Niall Johnson Let's play Bajoran roulette. Reach in and pull a scroll. One of them's a death warrant.
RedDwarfian It's not often that Nerys gets complimented on her melons.
igr56uk the orb of lesbianism is well and truly for real
nerd86 Kira: Placing the golden egg in the basket at precisely noon should reveal the location of the Arc of the Covenant.
ncc1701bulldog Kira: You're telling me humans believe a rabbit made this egg?
Auston The Major was not amused by the fruit basket that simply read: "To Bajor, From Cardassia. Sorry about that occupation thing."
Skipbear In this alternative universe the "Attendant" tends the loo
McFortner Kira: This is all the Cardassians left when they left Bajor: A dozen empty tubes and one apple.
Tyrridon Kira did well during the swimsuit and evening-wear competitions of the Miss Bajor competition. Sadly, she was quickly eliminated after the personality portion.
Tyrridon Kira could've been more elated when she found the Great Golden Easter Egg...
Frankie Chestnuts But Grandmother, what big teeth you have!!
suxxxxxx Damn, I ordered a pizza. Who called the Bajoran Inn for Hasperat?

Entries : 219People : 79

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 15,399 Last updated : 23 Mar 2008