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Caption Competition

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9 Mar 2008

Caption comp image


Name Caption
nerd86 Crewman: Slowly... succumbing to... gay-beam.
Sulu: Hey sailor!
Crewman: No, not you too Hikaru! Is no one immune?

Special Mention

Name Caption
Kilrai Comfort the disturbed, disturb the comfortable.
Niall Johnson I thought that Kirk/Uhura was the first interracial coupling on T.V. What am I missing?
David Salberg Mr. Sulu shows the new Ensign how to enter the Jeffrey's Tube.
BC1 I hate fanfiction
Niall Johnson Farrell: "I'm gonna call Engineering, It's so hot up here!"
Sulu: "Yeah, I'm flaming!"
Admiral Ed Star Trek X: It came from the Closet!!!!
Niall Johnson When you invited me to see your purple heart, I thought you meant the medal!
Tyrridon "Don't call me...tiny..."
N'tran DS 12 "Oh Bugger. No, not literally!"
Merat Prepare for boarding?
Captain 8472 Sulu: I am an ordained Catholic priest.
iamangry "To boldly go where no man has gone before."
Steamrunner92 Never has the song "Don't Stand So Close To Me" ever had a more appropriate moment to be played.
Capt. Jethro Whenever Sulu said 'I got your back', he meant it.
Bryan Moore Years later, the episode titlted "Mudd's Women" would be renamed "Clues"
McFortner Remember, it's "Don't ask, don't tell."
Mr P Any port in a storm, eh Sulu? ;)
Sir Joseph Bazooka " Hey, G.I.,Yu numba wun, Ten Dollah, I luv Yu long time ".
Mikey But how do you KNOW you won't like it?
Foxbat When George Takai came out of the closet, did the door go 'fshhhhh'?
=NoPoet= "Caution - the Lynx effect has also been known to work on men."
jg Sulu: Guess what, we're having our salad tossed tonight.
Man (Thinking to himself): Please God, let him mean we're having tossed salad in the mess hall tonight.

Entries : 372People : 104

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 16,116 Last updated : 9 Mar 2008