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Caption Competition

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2 Mar 2008

Caption comp image


Name Caption
MarkB A balerina, an encephalitic and a prostitute walk into a bar...

Special Mention

Name Caption
Q Slave trading wasn't illegal,
until the slavers enslaved a Begal.
Then Archer got mad,
and stopped the fad,
And made slaving illegal.
jg Male Alien (pointing at Archer): E.T., phone home.
Demotox This is why the Breen wear helmets...
The Geek The girls here kinda make you nostalgic for the "slimy T'Pol" caption competition, don't they?
dave "you know what they say about men with big foreheads..."
mwhittington Post-Apocolyptic Pimps and Prostitutes...IN SPAAAAACE!!
Lynn Campbell The alpha quadrant's next top model
BC1 Can someone PLEASE stop using their holiday snaps for the caption competition!!!
Adrian In this display, we have the result of a rare Klingon-Bolian mating.
Gil Rodriguez "Attack, my amazon army, ATTACK!!!!"
Drakey "I want you for the unnecessarily bizarre army!"
Demotox In Enterprise, when you jump the shark, the shark is replaced by a scary grey alien!
Wacky In the 24th Century, "So you think you can Dance" fell on hard times.
MetalHead No, its ok, don't panic, its Japanese TV, they do this kind of thing...
Steamrunner92 Girl on Left: "Does this skirt make my hips look big?"
Hisrak Backstage at the Eurovision song contest.
UnknownCaptioneer He certainly is getting ahead in life.
Foxbat "...and I'll take the grey one in the thong bikini to complete my order..."
Mr P It's not so much a case of what he's pointing at, more a question of where he's just had it ;)
Bryan Moore "I'll take the one in the less ridiculous costume"

Entries : 271People : 83

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 15,616 Last updated : 2 Mar 2008