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Caption Competition

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3 Feb 2008

Caption comp image


Name Caption
DBB Woman: *mouthing words* Help me. He won't let me go.
Man: I jumped on Oprah's couch because I'm in love.

Special Mention

Name Caption
Kogenta (Points to man) This is your brain on drugs
(Points to woman) This is your brain after hearing Kirk do Karaoke
nerd86 Offscreen: I'm sorry doctor we've done everything we can for her.
Woman: I go poopy!
Skifreak "Seriously Captain, he's telling the truth. It's WAY bigger then yours."
Greger SPACE!!!!!
pravda While he admired Kirk's ripped shirt, she was enthralled by Spock's ripped pants.
Foxbat "I really love Scientology!"
Steamrunner92 With a slight mispronunciation of the word analgesic, this poor woman has been loading shuttle-craft into her aft torpedo tube, if you know what I mean.
BC1 After 36 honour roll entries, wouldn't YOU be suprised if you'd won for once!?!
nerd86 And her head explodes in three... two... one...
twitch2oh Wow, his phaser bank looks even BETTER in high def! Just wait till he sees my...docking bay...*wink*
Greger The face that launched a thousand to the sun.
Greger The last two christians on earth.
Lynn Campbell In order to avoid paparazzi, Britney Spears was transferred to the Tantalus V facility for the remainder of her committal.
Niall Johnson You notice the symbol on my jacket is a hand grabbing a bird. Guess what I'm doing now.
ThomasJBryant "This one time, in Starfleet Band Camp..."
nerd86 Yet another victim of the Butt Pirates of Rigel 7. And a happy victim at that.
ncc1701bulldog The typical reaction when somebody hears "Star Trekkin' " for the first time.
AJ Even in the futur, facelifts occasionally go wrong
Drakey Well holy shtuff, they went ahead and did it. They set the phaser to "stupidate."
ktasay Doctor will you please stop goosing me!
nerd86 Ever hear the phrase "crazy as a bag of squirrels?"

Entries : 308People : 79

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 15,316 Last updated : 3 Feb 2008