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Caption Competition

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6 Jan 2008

Caption comp image


Name Caption
Schizo-Hal Nice Cleavage!

Special Mention

Name Caption
Demotox Worf: "I see dead people."
Riker: "Yea, because you make dead people!"
Bryan Moore "Fight the Klingon, he says. You're a skeleton, he says. You'll win, he says. Batleths aren't that sharp, he says."
Gus Riker: "I knew we shouldn't have relied on Vista to operate our holodecks."
Chaos4700 Be sure to join us next week for another hilarious episode of "Federation's Funniest Transporter Bloopers"
AJ Note to self: don't buy second hand suits of armor
DaCaptain This poor guy was suddenly beside himself with grief.
ketteringdave Does this count as a "continuity error"?
Sondak How Worf learned fractions.
Foxbat "When I said we'll have to cut the extras in half to save the budget, this is NOT what I meant!"
David Salberg Did you hear the joke about the Cardassian and the Ferengi? It's a real side-splitter!
Zu Unfortunately for the Skeleton, Warf had rolled a natural 20...
jg Damn, now that a good papercut.
Lynn Campbell Shame about having to fire that extra but he kept falling to pieces.
Lynn Campbell No-one ever thinks of the family of a henchman!
Steamrunner92 "I've got a split personality."
ncc1701bulldog TNG Remastered: Now with split screen!
MetalHead The things some people will do to get into a caption competition...
BC1 his scene unfortuantly got...cut..
Reliant121 Black Knight: Call it a draw?
Chromedome Whaddya mean I've gotta pull myself together? Ooopps

Entries : 319People : 91

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 16,095 Last updated : 6 Jan 2008