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Caption Competition

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23 Dec 2007

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Name Caption
Sondak "Yes, Mr. Spock, I see your point."

Special Mention

Name Caption
Bryan Moore "We call it the aristocrats"
ncc1701bulldog Spock: "Ensign, it would be in your best interest to cease the 'Biggus Dickus' jokes. There are only so many ways Monty Python can be applied to our current situation."
Jason T Once again, Spock proved that you can indeed bring a spear to a phaser fight.
AJ I wouldn't touch that with a 40 foot pole.
ThomasJBryant In hindsight, Spock regrets mindmelding with the universe's largest rectal thermometer.
Niall Johnson Jeez, Spock, I was only kidding when I said you had a major stick up your ass!
BC1 Crewmember: You should have a doctor look at that sir.
nerd86 Roosevelt once said "speak softly and carry a big stick." Spock added "then tie a sharp pointy rock to the end of it and say whatever you want."
William Crewman; 'and I heard him say up yours'. He took it literally.
Acid Spock: -Sings- The Wizards Staff has a knob on the end; knob on the end, knob on the end
nodikus Officer: Sir, It appears that the victim was stabbed repeatedly with an oversized spear no human could lift. Also the he managed to wirte 'the vulcan did it' in his own blood. Did you kill him?
Spock: No.
Officer: Since Vulcans don't lie I'm going to have to keep looking. Sorry to bother you.
Captain Jon Lieutenant: That's a big d...
Spock: Lieutenant.
Lieutenant: Stick! I was gonna say stick!
FL "Klingons have painsticks. Vulcans have this."
ncc1701bulldog Spock: "The spear is nine feet, six and a half inches long-- based on how it bounced off of that rock I would suggest that it is composed of a low density polymer, such as plastic. Logic would dictate the budget is running low."
McFortner Spock: It seems that Ensign Ricky didn't survive the Bris....
Foxbat "Very well Ensign, I shall 'spear' you the details." [stab, stab]
nerd86 Director: Be careful with that Leonard you might deflate the boulder.
Foxbat Spock spearheads another pointless investigation...
=NoPoet= "Yep. This came from a bow all right." (Yes, I did nick that joke from Red Dwarf.)

Entries : 243People : 87

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 15,812 Last updated : 23 Dec 2007