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Caption Competition

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16 Dec 2007

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Name Caption
Q I shall call him... "Ph'Rosti the Vulcan"

Special Mention

Name Caption
nerd86 You want to hear the impressive part... Reed actually won this staring contest.
RedDwarfian Reed paused, and looked around. The source of that snowball had to be around here somewhere...
mwhittington Reed: Wow! T'pol looks HORRIBLE in HD!
nerd86 Reed had a five and a half hour conversation before he realized he wasn't talking to Mayweather.
Merat Captain James T. Kirk was arrested yesterday for 5 counts of homicide on the planet Frigidaire VII after attempting to mate with the inhabitants.
mikey Although originally intended to be a simple winter amusement, Reed's "snowbat" turned out to be just one more thing capable of beating him up.
igr56uk using viagra for the nose worked quite well
Niall Johnson Presenting Star Trek on Ice!
Captain 8472 To quote Q: It's wonderous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross...
Kalor Captain? What do you mean he outranks me?
Kalor Mayweather: Captain, we've found what appears to be a frozen Dalek with enormous ears.
Archer: That has got to be the silliest attempt to get lines I've ever heard. No wonder everyone ignores you.
nerd86 The snowman was just a clever distraction to allow the butt pirates of Rigel 7 to make their move.
nerd86 "The snowpeople will never surrender!"
"All right we'll call it a draw."
Skipbear Trip frequently gave the Valcans a snow job
Skipbear Trip was a great engineer but he just could not quite build a Valcan love slave
ncc1701bulldog Yet another canon violation occurs when Enterprise makes first contact with the Breen.
TThomaso Hours later, the crew finally realised they had left Mayweather behind.
ThomasJBryant Please, come to Earth with me. You could be a writer in Hollywood! Already on strike, you say?
ThomasJBryant And things just kinda snowballed from there...
Sir Joseph Bazooka Tell Malcolm that We've found Prince Charles' hiding place.
giles So its not just ditl who has crappy christmas decorations!

Entries : 171People : 64

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 16,050 Last updated : 16 Dec 2007