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Caption Competition

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28 Oct 2007

Caption comp image


Name Caption
Royston Vasey I will now turn into my alter ego "Mr Hyde" bwah ha ha

Special Mention

Name Caption
Hugh  Jass Rom could not believe that the last fart had left blast marks on the wall
Heruskael They come in PINTS!
ThomasJBryant What is "Halloween" and why does everyone keep telling me to take my mask off?
Fraser Dead Changeling, anyone?
Niall Johnson Side effects may include nausea, headache, dysentery, heart failure, liver disorder and ear growth.
Niall Johnson There are FOUR calories!!!
Niall Johnson It's the taste of the Next Generation.
Tiberius "And you say this is better than the old recipe, this thing you call 'New Coke'?"
Jman Rom's Old Fashioned Root Beer, good for the taste buds, bad for the teeth...
Foxbat Max Grodenchik resorted to product endorsements to make ends meet...
Merat Slurm comes from WHAT now?!
DanielB "Look, I saved up my earwax for a whole day!"
MarkB Rule Of Acquisition #205: Product placements should be like whores; they come often and aren't subtle.
My Name Is Nobody All right. Where is the poison? The battle of wits has begun. It ends when you decide and we both drink, and find out who is right... and who is dead.

Entries : 246People : 93

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 14,266 Last updated : 28 Oct 2007