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Caption Competition

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14 Oct 2007

Caption comp image


Name Caption
MetalHead Crewman: Mister Spock, do not touch me there. You are *NOT* my catholic priest!

Special Mention

Name Caption
The Geek Spock: "Bloody crewman!"
Crewman: "Oh, now we get to see the violence that's inherent in the system. Come see the violence that's inherent in the system! Help! Help! I'm being repressed!"
Samus What happens in Stellar Cartography STAYS in Stellar Cartography.
The Geek "Y... M... C... Arrghh..."
Thus killing disco once and for all, Spock was subsequetially promoted to Captain.
Sym the vulcan death grip can be performed on different nerves. as you may have guessed, that was the nerve leading to his crotch.
PInky & the Brain Tell me crewman have you ever a grown man naked?
Do you ever watch films about Gladiators?
Have you ever spent time in a Turkish prision?
In a camp voice: OH yes I have, Duckie!
The Geek Spock continues his rampage on the Village People. Oddly, no one stopped him.
Lancel Poor Crewman #6...
Zap Branagan "Spock! at least buy me a drink first!"
Piny & the Brain This never happened on Galaxy Quest, molested by the science officer
Admiral Ed Computer why are playing Village People music?....
Chromedome "Do not move. There is an alien lifeform on your top lip."
Chromedome Oww! Why can't you just shake hands like everyone else?
Admiral Ed No wonder why Starfleet Academy is in San Francisco.
Admiral Ed I pronounce you Chuck and Spock
Basilbeard The fanfic authors were right, Mr. Spock. You do give amazing backrubs.
igr56uk Richard Attenborough - And here we see two speices
the homo shockus and the vulcano erectus
igr56uk your thoughts to my thoughts
your mind to my mind
my erection to your, ohhh damn
igr56uk what do you mean theres no such thing as a vulcan homo grip?
Bryan Moore 384 works of fan fiction have been made from this photo alone.
Merat Thank GOD we can't see this man's hands!

Entries : 260People : 105

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 15,718 Last updated : 14 Oct 2007