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Caption Competition

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7 Oct 2007

Caption comp image


Name Caption
Sulu New to Blu-Ray discs, Star Trek Enterprise, the complete series! See the Enterprise Crew in outstandingly high resolution!
AJ Phlox: "Yes captain, I have found a method to remove all the silicon from her body at once"

Special Mention

Name Caption
The Geek This is your Vulcan.
This is your Vulcan on drugs.
But you'd still hit it, wouldn't you?
Admiral Ed I WANT SNU SNU NOW!!!!!
Tsukiyumi T'Pol: " See! I told you I could spend the night underneath the warp core!"
Phlox: " I didn't say you couldn't. I said you SHOULDN'T..."
Merat It's not well known that T'Pol wasn't Jolene Blalock's first scifi audition. Originally she tried out for the role of Scorpius on FarScape.
jg While Q did say it was wonderful out there, with things to satiate desires both subtle and gross...I just don't think this was one of them.
Merat Debbie couldn't decide whether to go tot he 'Con as a Vulcan or an Orc. So she compromised.
Mikey While they all shared a similar haircut, many Vulcans suffered now and then from a "bad face day."
DanielB In the 2150's, PETA has won - cosmetics are now tested on sentient beings instead of animals.
AJ In retrospect, Tuvok's naked appearance on the bridge wasn't all that bad.
Jim You got to bed at 2 with a 10, and wake up at 10 with a 2...
BC1 Hoshi: sir, atlantis called, they want their wraith back...
Niall Johnson The power of Christ compels you! The power of Christ compels you!
Drags Kirk: I'd still hit it.
Bishop T'Pol: "He slimed me."
Tsukiyumi " Doctor, help! I am losing skin faster than this franchise is losing continuity!"
Tiberius The goggles did nothing!
Sean Putting Acid in the shower is not funny!
jg A scene from Vulcan Love Slave, the uncut and dirtier version.
Xavier Effects of a Vulcan Death Fart,when it does not get released in time from the body.
Foxbat Vulcans, just say no to Trellium-D.
McFortner I'm melting, MELTING! What a world, what a world....
Capt. Jethro Humans have morning breath, Vulcans have morning face.

Entries : 276People : 91

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 15,966 Last updated : 7 Oct 2007