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Caption Competition

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30 Sep 2007

Caption comp image


Name Caption
Sulu "How long has he been like this?"
"Neelix has been in a vegetative state since he came on board, captain. Apparently, we all just assumed his storylines were dull. It turns out he's just brain dead."

Special Mention

Name Caption
Dennie Hebels A severe case of Talaxian hedgehog acne.
igr56uk the wheres wally contest was just a little bit too obvious
Pinky & the Brain Neelix regretted volunteering to clean out Janeaway's toilet after she eaten 3 Vindaloo's
Gil Rodriguez "Of course, no Talaxian father could turn down a request made on this, the day of his daughter's wedding."
DanielB Peanut allergy. What? You were expecting something funny?
mwhittington I think he's turning Japanese I think he's turning Japanese I really think so!
ThomasJBryant Had his pimple been a cannon, he would have ... eww.
Maddy2469 Did watching "These Are The Voyages..." leave a bad taste in your mouth???
DJ Neelix communicating with the Tac Tac his feelings about spending the next 75 yrs on voyager!
jg Chakotay: Ok, I farted. It wasn't that bad. You don't have to carry on like that.
Jman Tuvok: No such thing as a Vulcan death grip huh? Wanna bet?
Rob Here we see the dangers of a three week holiday on Risa
jg Neelix: Now thatsa spicy meatball.
Lancel This must be why they call it "Gagh"
Captain 8472 And here we the famous Talaxian orgasm face.
XZB Neelix does his impression of the last Enterprise episode.
EDP Tuvok: Yes, I killed him! And I'm PROUD of this!
Janeway: In this case... Liutenant Tuvok, for this act I'll award you with a promotion to commander.
Niall Johnson Flight to Amsterdam: €47
Trip to a brothel: €150
Look on Neelix's face when he rises to the occasion?:
Let's face it. It's worthless.
Niall Johnson Kes tries out a new technique.
Bryan Moore At last, Neelix tastes his cooking.

Entries : 241People : 89

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 16,089 Last updated : 30 Sep 2007