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Caption Competition

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23 Sep 2007

Caption comp image


Name Caption
Captain 8472 "If you think my hair is long, wait till I remove my pants!"

Special Mention

Name Caption
Merat I know they're trying, but its just not the same without Theiss.
mwhittington Thankfully, the cameras failed to show the third prostitute, and the real reason Kor had a smile on his face.
MetalHead Forget my honor, what my wife dosn't know can't hurt her.
Merat The sequel to Darmok: "Kor, His Eyes Agog"
Mikey What happens on DS9, stays on DS9.
Wacky "And then he said "That's not what the Cow said" but I just laughed and told him he was Harry Kim, what could you expect?"
Zeke Thorne Kor: So it's true...Earth Girls ARE Easy!
JTK Kor: “Wait a minute, whose hand was that? Never mind, it was mine.”
Adam Hey, Babe wanna come to my quarters and inspect my Captain's log, while I climb mount Seleya? then after I can explore you're Vulcan's forge?
Sondak A Klingon, and a pair of Cling-Ons.
David Salberg "I'd buy that for a credit!!"
ThomasJBryant Did you hear the one about the Klingon and the two Dabo girls? Me neither, but I but it had one heck of a climax!
Bryan Moore "And then she said, 'That's not the Sword of Kahless!"
ZebulaNebula Kor: Now THIS is why they call us Klingons - gals just tend to cling on to us ...
BC1 It was going so well, until the pet tribble decided it was hungry...
Admiral Ed "Every advance culture in the Universe for an unknown reason have a it's version of Hugh Herfner, here in picture we see the klingon version."

Entries : 250People : 94

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 15,812 Last updated : 23 Sep 2007