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Caption Competition

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26 Aug 2007

Caption comp image


Name Caption
N'tran DS 12 The Doctor and Seven at a dance.
The Doc thinks: This is my chance.
I might just score
with this tipsy Borg.
Beginning a wonderful romance.

Special Mention

Name Caption
Ty. G Why yes, I'm a natural bald.
jg While the Doctor would never figure out who did it, he would forever be indebted to the unnamed soul who started playing Barry White over the intercom system.
Lt What 7of9: I am sorry doc but i have to break up with you. I am half-borg and you are half real. We could never work out.
ThomasJBryant Dirty dancing, you say?
mwhittington EMH: No, Seven, I said a BREATH test, not a breast test. Believe me, If we were to compare breasts, I'd lose horribly.
jg Seven (drunk): Wouldn't it be funny if we were part of some caption competition without our knowledge.
he Doctor: Ok, No more alcohol for you. You're starting to speak nonsense.
me,myself and I Ohhhhh..I'm not so think as you drunk I am!!
spock100 You know it's true love when, despite the fact that with a few vocal commands you can turn your paramour into a Brad Pitt/Marlon Brando combination, you don't.
Bryan Moore "This hologram. I love this Emergency Medical Hologram!"
mwhittington Bouncy, busty, blonde Borg babe bemuses balding bona fide bucket o'bolts doctor with blended, beguiling banter, causing his boxers to bulge.
Chromedome The winning contestants from the Starfleet "Strictly Ballroom" competition are reluctant to do an encore.
Bodhi "Come now Britney, we're going to a nice place called rehab."
Captain Reynolds Seven (in a drunken voice): "Dooooocccc.....your bald so shiiiiiiiiiiiny..."
Doctor: "Seven, I think you've taken your studies of 21st-century 'actress' Lindsay Lohan just a little too far."
Premonition_45 Seven: (slurred) You ever heard of that Blue Man Group? Total ripoff of the Smurfs. And the Smurfs, they suck too!
BC1 The Doctor: I LOVE fan fiction....
Bc1 After succesfully defeating the Cybermen, The Doctor and his Companion - oh wait. wrong universe.....
BC1 7o9: has anyone told you your personalities a bit...2D!!
Doctor: er...Seven, Ensign Kim's over there....
jg Seven: Sorry Doctor, but I can't be with you. You have a great voice and I consider you a close and prsonal friend. But you lack heart. I mean, there is nothing inside you. Your just an empty shell.
Lancel "Is that a holographic distortion in your pants or are you just happy to see me?"

Entries : 194People : 68

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 15,492 Last updated : 26 Aug 2007