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Caption Competition

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15 Jul 2007

Caption comp image


Name Caption
Lynn Campbell John de Lancie: “Star Trek wasn’t cancelled!!!! Its still going!…its just filmed in my basement now…and I play all the characters….”

Special Mention

Name Caption
MetalHead Q: This isn't my day.
Janeway: Why's that?
Q: I've got a ridiculous hair style, my face is covered in drunken artistry and worst of all, my shirt is red!
Warped Out! Q: I got the idea from Prison Break last week. It's the blueprints to my secret hiding place.
drow Q: "The Beast and his armies shall rise from the Pit to make war against God. ... What?"
jg Q: Here's a tip. Never tell Torres she doesn't smell half bad for a Klingon when she happens to have a laser drill in her hand.
DBB What? There's something on my face isn't there?
mwhittington Q: If you think THIS tatoo is cool, you should see where I tatooed the phrase, "Welcome Aboard!"
FL "Didn't I say the galaxy is full of wonders to satiate desires both subtle and gross? How do you like the subtle part so far?"
Unknown Sample "De plane, Boss! De plane!"
Tiberius I traced a doilie!
ByAnyOtherName Even in the Q Continuum, it is not wise to fall asleep at a frat party.
Merat In case of an emergency, my face can be used as a starchart.
Dennie Hebels You'd think an omnipotent lifeform has better things to do dan screwing around with a black magic marker.
BC1 Q: the difference between me and you is i make this look good...
Admiral Ed See SIZE MATTERS Chakotay
Captain Biz I have something on my face? Where?
jg Q: Mine's bigger.
Chakotay (dropping his pants): Actually, mine's bigger.
truevaliance oh no! Q's gone native!
Cpt. James T. "Captain Ahab Sir, that's not whale song, that's Shatner singing."
mwhittington There are three stages of being "owned!". There is "owned", "pwned", and here we see "Qwned".
ExAstris At first it was fun, galavanting about the galaxy, using my ommmmplioo...
At first it was fun, galavanting about the galaxy, using my omniplo...
At first it was fun, galavanting about the galaxy, using my onpiloten...
At first it was fun, galavanting about the galaxy, using my omnilopent...
For the love of God!

Entries : 270People : 110

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 15,559 Last updated : 15 Jul 2007