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Caption Competition

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5 Dec 2004

Caption comp image


Name Caption
SilentEd Archer: Anyone seen Porthos? Phlox: No...why do you ask?

Special Mention

Name Caption
Silent Bob Any second now, he'll open his mouth - and go flying round the room.
Bryan Moore "And I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll BLOWWWWW your ship down."
Bryan Moore That Dr. Phlox is really a cheeky fellow.
=David In the event of a water landing, I am equipped to act as a flotation device.
Dante Damn it Jim, he's going to blow and there's nothing I can do!
Xela If this is his defence mechanism I would hate to see his offensive mechanism.
Brian Phillips "Please Harry Potter, I never said anything bad about your parents."
Jesse "That's a spicy meat-a-ball!"
Fuzzy A demonstration of the invisible trumpet.
Brian Phiilips A new advance in automobile safety: the personal airbag.
Silent Bob Archer: "No Phlox, the balloon is meant to be outside your mouth when you blow it up!"
drow No, seriously. Does this make me look fat?
Dave1982 Now we know what Q was looking at in last week's picture....
Lord David This Denobulan will self destruct in 10 seconds, it is the last chance for you to push the cancellation button!

Entries : 309People : 124

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 14,289 Last updated : 5 Dec 2004