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Caption Competition

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1 Jul 2007

Caption comp image


Name Caption
nerd86 I know, I felt that way after watching Nemesis too.

Special Mention

Name Caption
BC1 Q: look at this way. Kirk got to kick gods ass, while you get know.
Picard: i hate fanfiction....
igr56uk if it makes you more comfortable, i can do a wicked Sulu
Redem Don't worry what on Risa, Stay on Risa
Admiral Ed How you doin'?
The Wormhole "Cheer up, Jean-Luc. We can always get you a new fish."
Captain 8472 "Q, I would appreciate it if you changed my underwear back from the thong."
US After almost 70 years, Jean Luc was more than a little surprised to find he had a conjoined twin...
Chromedome Cheer up, we're going to be together for a whole week in this caption competition. Won't that be great?
Giles "Picard this is your life"
William Up, Qlose and personal
Demotox A Captain Competition.
Kalor I'm the Captain of this ship! Why should I have to join a Q for anything?
XZB Uncomfortable homoerotic moments..IN SPAAAAACE!!!
MetalHead Q: There, now, wasn't that fun?
Picard: Q, thats the last time I'm going to retort with 'blow me'
MetalHead Oh come on Picard, this 'Generations' wont be as bad as it seems, I promise we wont let him sing!
Captain Feedback Jean-luc: "It appears that someone's deodorant is not working!"
Q: "Can't be me, never use the stuff!"
AJ 'Don't worry, Jean-Luc. Riker may have gotten the guest role on 'These are the voyages' but you can trust me: you wouldn't have wanted it!'
jg Q: I predict that once you trek through the stars is over, you will be successful in other careers. Riker is direct The Thunderbirds and watch his career die a horrible death.
ThomasJBryant Q, there's something I have to tell you... I'm... I'm... BALD!
AJ If you should keep your friends close and your enemies closer, what does that make us?

Entries : 278People : 103

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 15,696 Last updated : 1 Jul 2007