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Caption Competition

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10 Jun 2007

Caption comp image


Name Caption
McFortner In the Dominion, Jem'Hadar torpedoes came in six-packs.

Special Mention

Name Caption
mwhittington Yeah, that's right, we killed Kenny. What are YOU gonna do about it, huh?
Foxbat "We understand an Ensign Mayweather spoke? We're here to ensure it never happens again..."
AJ Graham Kennedy: "So you guys expect me to put you in the caption competition"
Jem'Hadar: "No, mr. Kennedy, we expext you to die!"
Foxbat "What do you mean we're on the 'No Fly' list?"
DBB Jem'Hadar on right front: I am so much better looking than these loosers.
bryonfogl we are paris hiltons new prison gaurds....
Niall Johnson # Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right... #
Chaos4700 Listening to turbolift music was taxing even to the Jem'Hadr. It was made all the more awkward when the First began singing along to "Man, I Feel Like a Woman."
Jillibean "When you're a Jet you're a Jet all the way,
From your first cigarette to your last dying day..."
Mr. President Now available! Collect all six Jem'Hadar warriors and receive free Defiant Transporter Room diorama!
Capt. Jethro Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am stuck in the middle with you.
Mikey Quentin Tarantino presents "Reservoir Jem'Hadar."
Admiral Ed For an unknown reason, all sentient species had develope their version of the "3 STOOGIES" act...
Lynn Campbell Apparently the Founders had never heard of the “Don’t ask Don’t tell policy.”
X It was an awkward moment when everyone realized that 3rd was making them look gay and had somehow beamed them into a gay bar... populated by Klingons.
Captain Reynolds Jem'Hadar at Back-Left: "Hey, down in front! This is supposed to be a GROUP photo!"
MarkB Guess who's coming to dinner.
Foxbat Jehovah's Witnesses, Jem'Hadar Chapter.
LeSmurf Jem'Hadar in the middle: "Of course I've farted! Or do you really think I do always smell that way?"

Entries : 479People : 127

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 15,728 Last updated : 10 Jun 2007