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Caption Competition

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13 May 2007

Caption comp image


Name Caption
jg The descendents of Hugh Hefner proudly carry on with the family business.

Special Mention

Name Caption
mwhittington Man: They are indeed cunning linguists, but I'm the master debater...why is that funny?
OlderThanTOS Alright gentleman. This is the line for death by crushed pelvis. Crushed pelvises only, please.
Maquis Madness Turkeys lastest entry to the Eurovision Song Contest decided to distract the audience away from the dreadful singing of the artist
jg I have come to say the yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus and he is good
Mr. President Man: "For the last time, no, the woman on the left is NOT Paris Hilton hiding from the law!"
Wacky "Sir, I protest! I am NOT a merry man! I am a VERY merry man!"
nerd86 This is either a really bad porn or a really good episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000. Or both.
nerd86 Just wait till you see the talent portion of the competition.
Exodore During the Star Trek convention, Peter was wondering why the geeks there were not paying any attention at the speach he was doing on warp travel and the interaction of dilitium matrix and anti-mater...
1701-g Hi, I'm here for the Ann Summers Party
DanielB My but how nice to get a breast of fresh air.
Ty. G And here we see, Mr. Kennedy, in frame 256, just before he is struck by the bullet!
Then he falls back, and to the left... back, and to the left... back, and to the left...
ExAstris "I hear $240, do I hear $250?"
MetalHead Little did he know that they were all species 8472 waiting to give him an 'isomorphic' injection.
Niall Johnson Behold the Benovelent Pimp! And his glorious new regime! I promise revolution! I promise hot women! I promise a cull on excessive Monty Python references! Huzzah!
ThomasJBryant Indeed, there are SIX BREASTS!
ThomasJBryant Behold, I have seen the secrets of the universe... and they are good!
Darman Sign inside building: Reserved for Captain Kirk

Entries : 242People : 88

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 14,353 Last updated : 13 May 2007