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Caption Competition

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9 May 2007

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McFortner In George Orwell's 2384, Kai Opaka is watching YOU!

Special Mention

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jg Kira: Your grace, I just heard some wonderful news. Sisko has said we can have cameos in "these are the Voyages...," Isn't that exciting.
Opaka: My child, the prphets have shown me that epidsode. I'd rather be stranded on a barren moon full of convicts that can't die than be part of it. Now, when are we going to visit the Delta Quadrant. I want to see the Celestial Temle.
jg Opaka: Who is the fine young man dancing over there.
Kira: He is the station's vole catcher. Right now, he is doing his "Dance of the Flaming Voles." He's been doing it every week for about ten weeks now.
Unknown Sample Kyra (thinking to herself): "Well, I know someone who didn't go hungry during the occupation."
nerd86 Opaka: "Have fun storming the castle."
schizo-hal Yo ho yo ho a pirate's life for me!
OlderThanTOS Camelot!
(It's only a model.)
OlderThanTOS Yes fewow citizens of Wome it is I, Biggus Dickus, and my wovely wife, Incontinentia Buttocks.
ThomasJBryant Kira's "slippery finger" trick amazed even the most pious.
george ...and her fist be ever ready for a knockdown blow!
XZB Kira: "I thought the hat would be too much, but you look fabulous!"
drow Opaka: "Oh, wicked, bad, naughty Kira! She has been setting alight to our beacon, which, I have just remembered, is wormhole-shaped. It's not the first time we've had this problem."
drow Opaka: "Sure, these new Federation guys are cuter than the Cardassians, but they have no ridges."
Kira: "Not *entirely* true..."
drow Opaka: "We are the Bajorans who say NI! You must go through the WORMHOLE and bring us... A SHRUBBERY!"

Entries : 141People : 58

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 14,129 Last updated : 9 May 2007