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Caption Competition

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15 Apr 2007

Caption comp image


Name Caption
ThomasJBryant It's going to be one hell of a "tongue in cheek" caption, that's for sure!

Special Mention

Name Caption
Captain Sarcastic "...Must get rid of taste of pot noodle"
Richie My wife wants to know if he can breath thru his ears?!
Captain Nathan T'Pol off camera prematurely begins her Pon Far.
Captain Nathan Borg Queen: "We will add your distinctiveness to the collective. Do you have anything that makes your species distinctive?"
Phlox: "What about this...ahhhh..."
Borg Queen: "Take him."
atomicthumbs Phlox demonstrates his technique for sterilizing the surgical instruments.
mwhittington T'pol, offscreen: Doctor, why is a Barry White soundtrack playing?
Foxbat Again, Phlox misunderstands the Human term 'Tasty Hooker'
Wacky Things got desperate when the Enterprise ran out of Listerine.
ThomasJBryant Found on Phlox's resume: "Hands Free Gynocologist"
jg After another pitiful round of crew physicals, Phlox prepares himself to give Archer and crew a good old fashion tongue lashing.
MetalHead Note how Phlox's tongue is longer than all of Travis' lines in the entirety of Enterprise...
Jillibean I bet Phlox is one of those people who CAN touch his elbow with his tongue.
Lynn Campbell Everything is bigger in the mirror universe.
Niall Johnson Dr.Phlox certainly knew how to give naughty young intern nurses a good tongue lashing!
Niall Johnson Larry Flynt: "Hire that man. Offer him anything he wants!"
Lynn Campbell For the love of god, why are you all making jokes! Some one get help!!!
Niall Johnson Phlox prepares for a date with crewman Cutler.

Entries : 214People : 82

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 14,510 Last updated : 15 Apr 2007