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Caption Competition

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4 Feb 2007

Caption comp image


Name Caption
CaptnQuantum Hoshi: So how long do we have to stay in here?
T'Pol: Just until the end of sweeps week.

Special Mention

Name Caption
Captain 8472 Hoshi: One Risian made dog enlarger pump.
Archer: It's not mine.
Hoshi: One credit card recipt for Risian made dog enlarger pump, signed by Johnathan Archer.
Archer: I'm telling you baby, it's not mine.
Hoshi: One warranty card for Risian made dog enlarger pump, filled out by Johnathan Archer.
Archer: I don't even know what this is, this sort of thing isn't my bag baby.
Hoshi: One book: 'Risian made Dog Enlarger Pump and Me, This sort of thing is my bag baby', by Johnathan Archer.
Captain Nathan Everyone, including Porthos, was dissapointed that Archer forgot to take his Viagra.
Mikey Suddenly, Porthos saw something off to the left worthy of his attention.
bryonfogl god i love interactive porn.
AJ Actually, the decrease of female clothing in earlier eras is the only real continuity point that Berman and Braga ever respected.
FL Hoshi: "Captain, do we really have to stay and watch?"
ThomasJBryant With a body like that, who needs Pon Farr?
Tiberius ... and when Archer bent over to pick up the decon gel, T'Pol discovered a moon the vulcans didn't know about...
Bryan Moore I am the very model of an Enterprising officer
I've Vulcan babe on board, plus a world class decipherer
Her abs are tight, her mind is bright; a logical philosopher
But even my cute Beagle couldn't charm the clothes right off of her!
mwhittington T'Pol: What exactly is "Twister", captain?
ZebulaNebula Porthos: Woof arf arf.
Hoshi: He wants some water
Archer: How do you ... never mind.
CaptnQuantum Archer: Look - all I asked is whether you wanted to stroke my greased beagle. Now if you take that the wrong way, then you're the one with the dirty mind.
silee Who let the dogs out?
Rat Boy Rick Berman: "Honestly, I don't see how this scene looks forced at all."
Wacky "Great. I'm stuck in a room full of bitches."
DBB The new Mirror Universe uniforms.
Silent Bob Although Archer did love his dog, he sometimes thought he should have a little pussy, too.
truevaliance T'pol: "As vulcan tradition, punishment is death by snoo-snoo."

Entries : 314People : 111

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 17,777 Last updated : 4 Feb 2007