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Caption Competition

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21 Jan 2007

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Name Caption
Phill In other news, Doctor Zimmerman was officially made the luckiest Starfleet engineer in a ceremony today.

Special Mention

Name Caption
Ty G. Zimmerman: That's it! I'm moving to Silicon Vally!
Game Guru GG Zimmerman: I'm starting to like the Ferengi!
Cpt. James T. Zimmerman: "Whoa! I see you set those beauties on Stun!"
DanielB Female Porn Star: "Oh dear, how will I *ever* pay for those flowers, Mr. Delivery Boy?"
Alexus "Hello, girls. Is your mother home?"
Jack My dear, we were asked to bring plants, not implants.
Dags I brought you this bush, but I see you already have one.
Combat Carl I heard you were ill and lost your pluck...
So here I am, the doc who likes to F--
AJ The doctor during his second use of Tom Paris' holonovel: Starship Voyeur.
mwhittington Zimmerman: Wow, those are amazing. Are they real? They just look so...perfect. They're big and round and perfectly, are they, like, dental veneers, or are they your real teeth?
Mikey Zimmerman: "OK, then, what is 'tat,' where do I find it, and can I trade it in with you?"
jg For he looked upon the mountains and valleys of this unexplored land and knew it was good.
Captain 8472 Zimmerman: I only wish Kirk were here, he would have something witty to say.
Bryan Moore Zimmerman, his pants throbbing.
truevaliance EMH: "Why, oh why am I not fully functional?!"
Admiral Ed Nip/Tuck the Next Generation
Unknown Sample So, you're saying you like the flowers?"
BC1 nope, holograms certainly do NOT dream of electric sheep
XZB Zimmerman:"Must not...can' uhh uhh...BOOBIES!!!!!!!!!!.....sorry."
suxxxxxx Zimmerman: Now these are strange new worlds I like!
William EMH thinking; Mmmh, perhaps things are better in second life

Entries : 310People : 99

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 16,237 Last updated : 21 Jan 2007