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Caption Competition

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3 Dec 2006

Caption comp image


Name Caption
SlideMan Alien: Listen! Kong approaches!

Special Mention

Name Caption
Mikey "... and you will stay imprisoned for ten years for 'Common People,' and a further ten years for 'Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds...'"
SilentEd Now that's a hangover...
Randy Houle Denny Crane flashes back to a particularly embarrassing memory from his wilder days in the 1960s.
ThomasJBryant The original roast of William Shatner.
drow Alien Christmas caroling gone horribly, terribly wrong.
AJ "4.8 from the Vulcan judge, 4.8 from the Andorian judge, 4.9 from the the Human judge and a rather diappointing 4.2 from the Klingon judge. Now for our next contestant in the interplanetary gymnastics competition...."
ByAnyOtherName The origins of Shatner's Christ complex....
Hench Vian 1: "Now, you only gotta scare him."
Vian 2: "Pain is scary..."
truevaliance Graham Kennedy: "So this is the 4-millionth visitor..."
Cpt. James T. As the Captain found out the punishments for not wearing the shiny bathrobes was severe.
ZebulaNebula Several disgruntled fans crucify Shatner for his singing.
jg alien: What are you doing on our planet?
Kirk: Nothing really, just hanging around.
Reliant121 Talk about highly strung
Foxbat I say, this Captain Kirk fellow is well hung indeed...
Hisrak Kikr: What lights? I don't know what you're talking about!

Entries : 285People : 105

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 15,534 Last updated : 3 Dec 2006