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Caption Competition

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26 Nov 2006

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Name Caption
Helmsman #3 It's Beagles!!!! Soylent Orange is made of Beagles!!!!

Special Mention

Name Caption
Will Deker Phlox:"Very interesting, Captain, he is obeying my every command, see? Drown! Inhale that water! Don't Swim!"
Archer:"You are relieved of duty and confined to quarters!"
JilliBean Archer: You're kidding me, right?
Phlox: Not at all, Captain. Bobbing for Puppies is a very popular game among our youth.
AJ "I'm sorry, captain, but it was the only decision. Porthos accidentally saw 'These are the voyages'. I just could not let a dog suffer like that."
Pinky & the Brain It's Portos Doctor
He appears to be in a bit of a pickle
ZebulaNebula In another direct violation of established continuity, Porthos is slowly suffocated by a Founder.
Kevin P. It all started innocently enough. I baked Trip's laser spanner into a cake, he buried my communicator in a trifle, I filled all his uniforms with pudding and now... well, now it's just got ugly.
Mikey Mephisto: "...and I will soon bring you... a beagle with five asses!"
drow Porthos: "At least I get more lines than Mayweather."
Rat Boy Archer: "No, Chef said he was serving bagels for breakfast this morning, not beagles!"
ByAnyOtherName In this episode, we learn that "Plomeek" is Vulcan for "dog."
Bryan Moore "Doctor, are you sure this is necessary?"
"I'm sorry Captain, we need to give Porthos a proper death scene. After all, what main character wouldn't deserve one?"
Denis Le Menoir Archer: Is that a needle you're holding?
Phlox: No, it's a straw, why?
Xavier Phlox : You can't just flush a pet down the toilet you know.we have a closed system.
SlideMan Phlox: Soup. anyone?
Bryan Moore "A bald eagle? Oh my, I thought you said a stalled Beagle."
Mikey Phlox: "so... the Earth term 'hot dog' is actually just a figure of speech, then?"
Coen Doctor: Nurse, salt please...

Entries : 320People : 116

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 15,575 Last updated : 26 Nov 2006