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3 Sep 2006

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Name Caption
McFortner Hey, it's not what you think. My zipper was stuck and he was helping me with it, HONEST!

Special Mention

Name Caption
jg One is a vile, disguting little varmit that has caused nothing but pain and aggrevation to whom it has come in contact with and ought to be shot. The other is a cardassian vole
drow Due to a transporter malfunction, Quark was split into two halves. One half represented his weaselly business acumen. The other half was pretty much just his ears and libido.
spock100 So this vole walks into a bar...
Bodhi Vole of Acquisition?
broken_erika I Shall call him, Mini-Me.
Graeme A Carter And this is how Quark finally proved the truth behind the Kennedy assassination...the shooter was behind a grassy vole
Captain Nathan Quark: "One of Janeway and Paris' freakish kids ended up in my Dabo table again!"
Bryan Moore "Croikey, mate! Would'ya look at the size of this one!" - R.I.P. Steve Irwin
N'tran DS 12 Leapin' Lizards.
Mikey The bigger the ears, the bigger the earwigs.
Griddles Preview for 'Alien Lizards on a Ship'
Quark: I'm sick of these mother%*#@ing lizards on this mother%*#@ing SHIP!!!
James Quark: "Can you believe I found this in my ear!"
Capt. Jethro T'was the night before Christmas thought the Ferengi troll, not a creature was stirring, not even a vole.
DanielB Quark, his mouth open. The vole, just sitting there. Me, certain not to win.
Combat Carl Get in my belly!!
Hollander This vole is no more! He has ceased to be! He's expired and gone to meet his maker!
He hass kicked the bucket, shuffled off his mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisibile, this is an ex-vole!
paperclip It may be cuteer than me but I've got better ears.

Entries : 279People : 101

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 21,675 Last updated : 3 Sep 2006