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Caption Competition

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27 Aug 2006

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Special Mention

Name Caption
=NoPoet= Riker: "Hey, this 'Lynx effect' really works."
Drags Goodness, you ladies have more silicon than Data!
Graeme Carter So, these are the two new interns? Ladies, you might think I'm too good for you, but really, I'm not...
ZebulaNebula Riker: Have you been running a tactical console, miss? 'Cuz with torpedoes like those ...
Mikey "Is this the breast you can do, Q? ...ummm, I mean, I'm not fondle - uh, fond of your tricks! This is probably one of your boobies - uh, booby - traps..."
DrkCell23 Riker(Thinking 2 himself): My God, is that a Adam's Apple!
Captain Nathan Riker: "Like you Data, these women are also equipped with flotation devices in the event of a water landing."
Denis Le Menoir Riker: "Got milk?"
Pinky & the Brain Riker auditioned for the part of President Skroob in Spaceballs 2
Toolpusher "You mean you didn't know that Galaxy-Class Starships have a Hooters onboard Commander?"
Bryan Moore "Wait, your name isn't Minuet? Boy, is MY shirt red!"
Lucky Strike Riker, his libido encouraged.
Griddles Riker: First becoming a god and now this. The Captain may hate him, but I kinda like this Q dude...
Hisrak Riker, keeping abreast of life as always.
ZebulaNebula Riker is too distracted to realize the redhead just lifted his wallet.
Lancel Riker gets some idea of what life is like in the Mirror Universe...
skipbear1 Sweetie sometimes a cigar is just a cigar

Entries : 273People : 101

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 22,176 Last updated : 27 Aug 2006