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Caption Competition

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13 Aug 2006

Caption comp image


Name Caption
Drags Travis waited with anticipation. Someday he would have more than one line. Someday...

Special Mention

Name Caption
Lancel Archer: Yes... Yes. This is a fertile land, and we will thrive and rule over all this land, and we will call it… "This Land."
Mikey "I'm sorry, captain... that's our cancellation that we're approaching, and I can't do a damn thing to slow us down."
BC1 Mayweather: Leaf on the how i soar..
Trip: got the wind part right
McFortner Archer and crew are about to find out that the light at the end of the tunnel is really a giant bug zapper!
AJ "Alright everybody, pay attention! The teacher will try to explain to you one more time what the word 'acting' means."
ZebulaNebula Archer: did that dude just kiss a cow?
Trip: and I thought my family was bad.
Mikey Archer: "Trip, we've been close for a long time now, but I have to say - please get your hand off my ass."
drow Archer: "Second star to the right ,and straight on 'til morning."
Travis: "Aye, sir."
Trip: "Captain, the second star to the right is getting bigger. I think we're flying toward..." *crunch*
Dennie Hebels Archer: It's a good thing we're all wearing our anti-hypnosis baseball caps...... Trip! where the hell is your cap!?
Trip: duhhhhh.... drewl....
BenPhoenix Trying to keep from laughing, the guy in the background is wondering how long it will take for the officers to realize that he stole Trip's hat.
Griddles Everyone knows this caption comp is just sneaky Paramount Product placement...
Hisrak Due to budget issues, Paramount were forced to replace Travis with a dummy. Fortunately, no-one noticed.
Tiberius Trip: "Bud"
Travis: "Weis"
Archer: "Errr...."
Wacky "So... Starfleet Girls gone wild, you say...?"
The Wormhole Trip: "Who is that guy?"
Archer: "I think he's our only viewer. Say hi."
Group: "Hi."
Mayweather: "Yay, they allowed me to talk."
Lobster The *true* story about how they got the Suliban cell ship: Ebay!
MarkB Two out of three men stare
At the naked vulcan standing out there
It seems, to her loathing
Orions stole her clothing
But of her birthmark Trip was aware
pravda Trip couldn't believe Maywether was forcing them to watch every second of footage that he had been in, consoling himself with the knowledge that he could skip it by blinking.

Entries : 320People : 119

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 22,099 Last updated : 13 Aug 2006