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Caption Competition

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1 Sep 2004

Caption comp image


Name Caption
Lobster Kirk realized that the miners, while in panic, must have killed the male horta and cut him into pieces...

Special Mention

Name Caption
Bryan Moore From Enterprise: "Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor, not a dic..., er, bricklayer"
Craig No Mr Sulu..... Don't call ME 'tiny'
Craig That damned Orion Slave Girl must've taken a mould after I fell asleep...
Silent Bob Kirk: 'I have a fwend you know... His name is biggus dickus'
Gil Rodriguez Now we know the sad truth behind the Great Eunuch War of the 2260's...
Bryan Moore "I wonder how this scales up on the DITL size charts?"
Lobster Can you find the phallic symbol hidden in this picture??
Melllvar "Honestly baby, do I look like the kind of Star Fleet captain who needs a penis enlarger pump?"

Entries : 13People : 0

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 20,248 Last updated : 1 Sep 2004