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Reviewer : Griddles
Ave Rating : 4.5000 for 2 reviews
Title : By The Book Rating : 4
Writers : Dean Wesley Smith, Kristine Kathryn Rusch Year : 2002
Review : By the Book is an interesting read for fans of Enterprise. Set in the first season, this book details Archer's struggle to deal with the strict rules of conduct within an alien society with which he attempts to make first contact. The Fazi, a race of humanoids with an incredibly complex and rigid civilisation, are easily offended and the first attempt to say hi goes badly. Meanwhile, the Fazi are not the only race inhabiting this world, as Ensign Cutler and her team find out. Cutler is engaging with some of her friends in the ancient Earth sport of Role Playing Games, creating a mission to Mars scenario in which other crewmembers, including Ensign Mayweather, put their characters through tests of skill and brains. Overall, By the Book is a fun read with a lot of lighthearted humour, but some of the title characters don't get much to do in this one as it focuses more on some of Enterprise's minor, recurring characters. Overall, 4/5
Title : Double Helix 5 : Double or Nothing Rating : 5
Writers : Peter David Year : 1999
Review : My favourite out of the Double Helix series, this book throws both Captain Picard and Captain Calhoun into the midst of a new plan to unleash the Double helix plague upon the Alpha Quadrant. Thallonian General Thul and his hulking sidekick intend to wipe out the Federation as it celebrates a major event, so it is up to the two captains to prevent the fatal virus from being released. Meanwhile, Riker must deal with former 2IC, Shelby, as he temporarily takes command of the Excalibur. A great read! 5/5

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 10,183 Last updated : 15 Mar 2025