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Title : The Pandora Principle
Writers : Carolyn Clowes
Year : 1990
Rating : 4.0000 for 1 reviewsAdd your own review
Reviewer : ASR Rating : 4
Review : Continuing- or rather prequelling- the character of Lt. Saavik from the films, Carolyn Clowes accepts the preproduction premise of the character as a Romulan-Vulcan hybrid. The progress of the character from a cannabalistic castaway to a half-civilized protege of Spock to Starfleet cadet is both believable and remarkably powerful. When a Romulan faction comes close to destroying all atmospheric oxygen on Earth, Saavik becomes the Federation's best hope of survival. The real strength of this story is in the bizzarre yet plausible development of numerous characters- from a Kirk trapped helpless in a Starfleet bomb shelter to an enigmatic Romulan information broker to a little fish-like being who can fix anything. Above all, it gives a certain cadet the depth that we always knew she had.
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© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 14,894 Last updated : 14 Mar 2025