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Title : The Nitpicker's Guide for Next Generation Trekkers
Writers : Phil Farrand
Year : 1993
Rating : 5.0000 for 1 reviewsAdd your own review
Reviewer : Secretmirk Rating : 5
Review : What a superb book full of ironic humor but what was caused by it... Phil Farrand's book is abolutly fascinating to read, counting practically every smallest logical error in TNG and commenting it in a funny way. What a tragedy that this humor hasn't spread throughout the fandom completly too but that the book instead ignited a kind of hysteric "logicalness-mania" without the necessary humour. Since then many people lost understanding for drama and story-telling but like more to destroy the miracle behind the series by hunting down everything unlogical, demanding a movie or episode to be only good, if it is logical in itself to a 100%. Demonstrating a kind of foolishness contained in nearly every "totalitarian" system: Give the little people the chance to create order. I met several "fanatics" who lost totally the connection to the world of Trek by being on the watch for logical mistakes in what they see only. A book with too high demands on the intellectual capabilities of many fans... Like Umberto Eco wrote in "The Name of the Rose" (quoted according to sense, not to exact writing): Be aware of every truth or conviction that comes along without containing a smile.
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© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 10,995 Last updated : 14 Mar 2025