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Large Quiz - Quotes

1. Who said "I wasn't exactly pulling your leg, was I, commander?"?

2. Who said "The Tamarian was willing to risk all of us, just for the hope of communication, connection. Now the door is open between our peoples. That commitment meant more to him than his own life."?

3. In which episode does McCoy say "On pure speculation, just an educated guess, I'd say that man is alive."?

4. Who said "The truth of the matter is... hell, we are not ready. We knew they were coming for over a year. We've thrown every resource we have into this, but still..."?

5. In which episode does Janeway say "No matter how vast the differences may be between cultures, people always have something that somebody else wants. And trade is born."?

6. In which episode does Spock say "Computer, this is a Class A compulsory directive : compute to the last digit, the value of pi."?

7. In which episode does McCoy say "I'm going to tell you something I never thought I'd ever hear myself say. It seems I've missed you. I don't know if I could stand to lose you again."?

8. In which episode does Picard say "Mr. Worf, dispatch a subspace message to Admiral Hanson. We have engaged the Borg."?

9. In which episode does Picard say "In faith, I do not love thee with mine eyes, for they in thee a thousand errors see. But 'tis my heart that loves what they despise, who in despite of view are please'd to dote. Shall I compare the to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate!"?

10. In which episode does Sisko say "That might be the most important thing to understand about Humans. It's the unknown that defines our existence. We are constantly searching, not just for answers to our questions, but for new questions."?

11. In which episode does McCoy say "He's dead, Jim."?

12. In which episode does Silik say "One thing is clear, when necessary Humans are fully capable of returning to old methods."?

13. Who said "Acquiring knowledge is a worthy objective. But its pursuit has obviously not elevated you."?

14. In which episode does Picard say "Well… before I begin swinging through the ship, looking for breakfast, we need to find some answers."?

15. In which episode does Riker say "If you drop a hammer on your foot, it's hardly useful to get mad at the hammer."?

16. Who said "Will you kindly die?"?

17. In which episode does Henoch say "Oh, you are a lovely female. A pleasant sight to wake up to after half a million years!"?

18. In which episode does Dukat say "There was a time when the mere mention of my race inspired fear. And now... we're a beaten people. Afraid to fight back because we're afraid to lose what little is left."?

19. Who said "Mister Tuvok, if you're going to remain on my ship, you're going to have to learn how to appreciate a joke. And don't tell me Vulcans don't have a sense of humour, because I know better."?

20. Who said "Don't you know? A dead martyr's worth ten posturing leaders."?

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Questions played : 17,360 Last updated : 15 Mar 2025