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Large Quiz - Quotes

1. In which episode does Kirk say "Gentlemen, I suggest you beam me aboard."?

2. In which episode does Degra say "When it arrived in your star system, I watched the incoming telemetry with the other members of the council. Seven million lives were extinguished in front of my eyes. I asked myself... how many of those were children?"?

3. In which episode does Kirk say "The more complex the mind, the greater the need for the simplicity of play."?

4. In which episode does Riker say "Mr. Worf... fire."?

5. In which episode does Archer say "So if anyone has a suggestion, I'm all ears. No offense."?

6. In which episode does McCoy say "You've got your problems, I've got mine. But he's got ours, plus his, plus four hundred and thirty other people."?

7. In which episode does Quark say "A suit of the finest Andorian silk? A ring of pure Surax? A complete set of Tanesh pottery? How about a latinum plated bucket to sleep in?"?

8. Who said "I'm sorry. Obviously you want to punish yourself. Do you want help? I'm really good at punishing myself."?

9. Who said "Jim... your name is Jim."?

10. In which episode does Riker say "Without trust there's no friendship, no closeness, none of the emotional bonds that make us who we are."?

11. Who said "Diplomacy is the art of the possible."?

12. In which episode does Riker say "Fear is the true enemy. The only enemy."?

13. In which episode does Esoqq say "Collaboration is what your species does best!"?

14. Who said "Isn't that what an artist wants, to be remembered? Isn't that why you write?"?

15. In which episode does Guinan say "The idea of fitting in just repels me."?

16. In which episode does Trip say "At least the warp engines still need me!"?

17. In which episode does Neelix say "The other two seem to be trying to figure out what to make of us... In a manner of speaking, not in a culinary sense, I hope."?

18. In which episode does General Picard say "In the name of the Confederation, I fought for a pure universe. One by one, with the aid of the brave crew of the CSS World Razer, we conquered the stars. We sought out and subjugated savage civilizations, boldly conquered warlike alien worlds, increased the wealth and resources for future generations of humanity. And you could be Earth's next great hero because a safe galaxy is a human galaxy."?

19. In which episode does Kim say "We didn't burst into flames in the last chapter! Why are these recaps always so inaccurate?"?

20. Who said "It is unsettling. You say that I am a human being and yet, I am also Borg... Part of me not unlike your replicator... Not unlike the Doctor. Will you one day choose to abandon me as well?"?

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Questions played : 17,360 Last updated : 15 Mar 2025