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Large Quiz - Quotes

1. In which episode does Nechayev say "Diplomacy is the art of the possible."?

2. In which episode does Picard say "Mr. Worf, dispatch a subspace message to Admiral Hanson. We have engaged the Borg."?

3. Who said "Somehow I doubt this ship will be the last to carry the name 'Enterprise'."?

4. Who said "All of my old friends look like doctors. All of his look like you."?

5. In which episode does Picard say "You were right, Tallera. The resonator cannot be stopped by phasers and shields… but it can be defeated by peace."?

6. In which episode does Archer say "That species we became, they cease to exist the moment this virus is gone."?

7. Who said "You'll fire? Empty threat and we both know it. Why don't you accept your fate? You will return to your chair and you will sit there. You will entertain me and you will entertain my guests. And if you do not, I will simply kill somebody else. Him, perhaps. It doesn't matter. Their blood will be on your hands too, just like poor Varria's. Your only alternative, Data, is to fire. Murder me. That's all you have to do. Go ahead. Fire. If only you could feel rage over Varria's death. If only you could feel the need for revenge, then maybe you could fire. But you're just an android. You can't feel anything, can you? It's just another interesting intellectual puzzle for you. Another of life's curiosities."?

8. In which episode does Kirk say "Spock, nobody knows the rules better than you but there has got to be an exception!"?

9. In which episode does Seven of Nine say "Fun will now commence."?

10. In which episode does Harry say "Human beings do not survive on bread alone, you poor, soulless creature, but on the nourishments of liberty. For what indeed is a man without freedom, naught but a mechanism, trapped in the cogwheels of eternity."?

11. In which episode does Kirk say "Am I doing the right thing, Bones? Once I said that man rose above primitiveness by vowing, 'I will not kill today.'"?

12. In which episode does Janeway say "It feels like we're being pecked to death by ducks!"?

13. Who said "Somewhere... halfway across the galaxy, I hope... Captain Janeway is spinning in her grave."?

14. In which episode does O'Brien say "I'm Chief Miles Edward O'Brien. And I'm very much alive, and intend to stay that way!"?

15. In which episode does Tucker say "You know, you were a lot more pleasant in stasis."?

16. In which episode does Lal say "Thank you for my life."?

17. Who said "You suggest I read the manual!?"?

18. Who said "No one will ever understand you the way I can."?

19. Who said "There's no honerable way to kill, no gentle way to destroy; there is nothing good in war except it's ending"?

20. Who said "We change. We have to, or we spend the rest of our lives fighting the same battles."?

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Questions played : 17,360 Last updated : 15 Mar 2025