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Small Quiz - Quotes

1. Who said "That man's in a lot of trouble."?

2. Who said "We are smart."?

3. Who said "Attention John Harrison. This is Captain Hikaru Sulu of the USS Enterprise. A shuttle of highly trained officers is on its way to your location. If you do not surrender to them immediately, I will unleash the entire payload of advanced long-range torpedoes currently locked on to your location. You have two minutes to confirm your compliance. Refusal to do so will result in your obliteration. And If you test me, you will fail."?

4. In which episode does Tuvok say "Vulcans are capable of suppressing certain levels of physical pain. Beyond that, we must simply endure the experience."?

5. In which episode does Odo say "Commander, laws change depending on who's making them. Cardassians one day, Federation the next... but justice is justice."?

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Questions played : 17,360 Last updated : 15 Mar 2025