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Medium Quiz - Episodes

1. In which Voyager episode does the ship encounter a 'telepathic pitcher plant'?

2. In which episode does Enterprise first ncounter holodeck-like technology?

3. Which Enterprise episode featured Rura Pente?

4. Im which episode does a Romulan/Cardassian fleet try to destroy the Founders?

5. What is the second TNG episode to feature Dexter Remmick?

6. In which episode was Trip marooned with an alien on an uninhabited moon?

7. Which is the first TNG episode to feature time travel?

8. In which Voyager episode do we meet B'Elanna's Human and Klingon halves?

9. At the beginning of which episode is the Enterprise-D heading to Pacifica?

10. In which episode does Voyager discover a planet that is experiencing a very rapid passage of time?

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Questions played : 110,980 Last updated : 15 Mar 2025