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Large Quiz - Episodes

1. Which Voyager episode features a huge ocean in space?

2. In which episode do we learn that T'Pol has Pa'nar syndrome?

3. In which episode do we first see Geordi's view of the world?

4. In which episode did McCoy first say 'He's dead, Jim'?

5. Which episode showed Riker smooth-talking Guinan to give Wesley some pointers?

6. Which is the first episode to feature the Klingon food Gagh?

7. Which of these is NOT a season two episode of DS9?

8. Which episode featured the character Lazarus?

9. In which episode does Hoshi first use the transporter?

10. In which episode does Enterprise first ncounter holodeck-like technology?

11. In which episode does Voyager encounter the second Caretaker?

12. In which episode does Archer prevent a war between the Vulcans and Andorians?

13. Which episode of DS9 features the TR-116 rifle?

14. In which episode does Vedek Winn accuse Keiko of blasphemy?

15. What is the last episode of DS9 season 3?

16. In which episode is the USS Yamato destroyed?

17. In which episode does Q throw the Enterprise-D across space to system J25?

18. In which Voyager episode does the ship encounter a 'telepathic pitcher plant'?

19. Which DS9 episode featured the Wadi?

20. Im which episode does a Romulan/Cardassian fleet try to destroy the Founders?

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Questions played : 110,980 Last updated : 16 Mar 2025