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Large Quiz - Planets

1. Starbase 74 orbits which world?

2. Which of these was the Enterprise-D's destination before going on to Vandor IX?

3. On which planet did a Federation deep space probe crash?

4. Which of these is a fog-bound world on the edge of the Badlands?

5. Will Riker was brainwashed after being captured on an away mission on which planet?

6. Which of these worlds is within the Tzenkethi territory?

7. On which planet did the inhabitants mimick Earth mobsters?

8. From which world did the inhabitants raid Earth's past to harvest neural energy?

9. Which was the home world of Minster Camio, fiancee of Lwaxana Troi?

10. Which planet was the home of the Menk?

11. Which planet was the location of the New Providence colony, the Federation settlement destroyed by the Borg?

12. Where did the Duras sisters conduct illegal mining?

13. Which one of these planets was struck by Denevan neural parasites?

14. Which is the homeworld of a people who give thanks in a manner similar to Betazoids?

15. What was the home planet of the Xindi?

16. Where did the USS Charleston wait to rendezvous with the Enterprise-D to pick up three previously frozen Humans?

17. Artefacts found on which planet showed the location of Iconia?

18. Which planet was the Albino's hideout in 2345?

19. On which planet did Picard covertly meet Captain Rixx in 2364?

20. On which planet in the Delphic Expanse could criminals get their faces reconfigured?

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Questions played : 45,290 Last updated : 15 Mar 2025